Utah Tech University’s Charter School Authorization Office, which is dedicated to supporting the development and success of innovative charter schools in Southern Utah, is now open.
Each year, the office will accept up to two complete applications, processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Individuals or organizations interested in receiving authorization to start a new charter school should follow the six -step application process outlined below.

Six Step Application Process
Charter School Proposal
Prior to starting the proposal process, a mandatory orientation/training is required. The Director of the Charter School Authorization Office will provide helpful information and answer questions about the authorization process. Once completed, you may start developing the proposal. It must provide enough evidence and support that the proposed charter school would offer a sound fiscal, business, and educational model that facilitates quality choice, innovative educational opportunities as well as active and student centered learning.
Additional InformationProposal Interview
(Invitation Only)
The capacity to work effectively together is vital. The proposal interview allows the opportunity to meet the proposed school’s leadership team, obtain additional information that could not be ascertained in the written proposal, and evaluate the extent to which we can collaborate and work together to form a successful partnership. All board members must attend and be on site for the interview.
Full Application for Proposed Charter School
(Invitation Only)
If the interview merits, the applicant is given the opportunity to submit a full application. This application provides the opportunity to expand and elaborate on the initial proposal. Reviewers will be looking for a clear, articulate, complete, and consistent description of the proposed charter school. When completed, the application will be reviewed by the Utah Tech Board of Trustees or their designees
Capacity Interview - Strengths & Needs Meeting
(Invitation Only)
The Board of Trustees or their designees will meet with you to discuss the Charter School Application. Strengths and needs identified from the application will be discussed followed by action planning. All board members must attend and be on site for this meeting.
Charter Authorization Determination
The extensive information and data gathered will be analyzed by Utah Tech Staff and the Board of Trustees in which they will grant or deny authorization.
Additional InformationGet Charter Agreement Reviewed and Signed
This final step provides you the opportunity to carefully review the agreement and ask questions before signing it. After reviewing and signing of the Utah Tech Charter School Agreement, you will receive authorization to begin your charter school.
Additional InformationFAQs
Is Utah Tech University accepting transfers this year?
No, we are not at this time. Check back next year for additional information.
Is Utah Tech University accepting expansion requests this year?
No, we are not at this time. Check back next year for additional information.
Is Utah Tech University accepting satellite requests this year?
No, we are not at this time. Check back next year for additional information.
What is Utah Tech's Office of Charter Schools Vision/Mission?
Authorizing charter schools to create innovate schools of excellence
To empower charter schools with autonomy to offer innovative learning for all students, maximizing student success
What are Utah Tech's Office of Charter Schools Values?
- Academic Distinction
- Active & Authentic Learning
- Student Learning and Success
- Equity and Inclusion
- Purposeful Discovery
- Collaborative Culture
- Public Service
- Local and Global Resources
- Innovation and Responsiveness
- Active Learning
- Career Readiness
Does it cost money to attend a charter school?
No, there is no cost for attending a charter school. It is free of charge just like other state funded charter schools.
Are charter schools private schools?
No, they are not private schools.
Do teachers have to meet the Utah State Board of Education requirements to teach at a charter school?
Yes, teachers must meet the same teacher requirements as traditional public school teachers.
Do charter schools serve all students?
Yes, charter schools are open to all students.
Do charter schools take money from traditional public schools?
No, charter schools receive funding based on the number of schools enrolled just like traditional public schools.
Are charter schools held accountable for student performance?
Yes, charter schools are held accountable for student performance using the exact same measures as public schools operated by the state such as the end of year test, Rise, and Acadience Literacy and Math tests.
Is a charter school operated by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE)?
No, charter schools operate autonomously through individual agreements or charters, with state or local governments that set rules and student performance standards.
Do charter schools only select certain students to attend?
No, charter schools admit students through a lottery system or other non-discriminatory processes. They serve students of all abilities and backgrounds.
Can any university or organization authorize a charter school?
A university or organization must successfully complete an extensive application process and be approved by the Utah State Board of Education.
Suzanne Bolar
Director of Charter School Authorization
Email: charterauthorizing@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4789
Office: COE 153