HomeAcademicsMicrocredential DevelopersMicrocredential Proposal Form Utah Tech University Microcredential Developers Form Microcredential Developers Author/Contact First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * College * College of the ArtsCollege of BusinessCollege of EducationCollege of Health SciencesCollege of Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Science, Engineering, and TechnologyOther Departments ArtDanceDigital FilmMusicTheatre Departments AccountingFinanceInformation Systems and AnalyticsManagementMarketing Departments EducationFamily Studies and Human DevelopmentInterdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Departments Dental HygieneHealth and Human PerformanceHealthcare Diagnostics & TherapeuticsNursing Departments Applied Sociology & Criminal JusticeCommunication StudiesEnglishHistory, Humanities & Modern LanguagesMedia StudiesPsychology Departments Biological SciencesChemistry and BiochemistryComputing & DesignEarth & Environmental SciencesEngineeringMathematics Department INSTRUCTIONS: If you are applying for a digital badge from an already existing academic certificate you only need to fill out the fields that will publish to the UT website. If this is a new microcredential please fill out each requested field. Microcredential Details Microcredential Title * This will publish on Utah Tech’s website. Brief Description (500 word limit): * This will publish on UT’s website. URL for additional information (if any) Type of Microcredential * Certificate without digital badge Certificate with digital badge+ Digital Badge+ OtherOther +There is a cost of $5.50 per digital badge for recipients who are not Utah Tech students enrolled in for credit courses and paying regular student fees. This cost may be passed onto the learners. Contact Shantelle Owens for billing instructions. Microcredential Designation * Curricular Co-curricular Career Pathway Continuing Education Professional Education This will publish on Utah Tech's website. Credit Options For Credit Not for Credit Academic Level Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate & Graduate Continuing Education/Professional Education Recipients of the Award UT students only Non-UT students & community members UT faculty/staff only OtherOther Method of instruction In person Blended Online/Remote Time to Completion (Must engage the learner a minimum of 10 hours.) Less than one semester One semester Two semesters Three semesters Self-paced OtherOther Microcredential Justification External review or accreditation Yes No Name of governing body * has this been approved by the governing body? * Yes No Microcredential rationale: Please address and justify how this microcredential supports industry demands for certain skills or other highly sought-after competencies. Brief explanation of fit within University Mission, Core Themes, and Values Relation to existing programs: Explain how this microcredential will contribute toward a stackable degree or transfer to other programs. Microcredential Skills--Competencies or Learning Outcomes that will be assessed in the program. Select from the examples below or add your own. We recommend 6-12 tags. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Oral/Written Communications Teamwork/Collaboration Digital Technology Leadership Professionalism/Work Ethic Career Management Global/Intercultural Fluency This will publish on Utah Tech's website. Identify Other Skills Other Skills This will publish on Utah Tech’s website. plus1 Add minus1 Remove Assessment Plan: Please address what type of artifact(s) will be produced by learners that can be used to assess the outcomes that are aligned with competencies of the microcredential. Earning Criteria Examples: How many hours of instruction? Competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities) met: Major activity performed by the learner (Limit 500 characters). Add additional bullet points for additional activities if needed. Identify all requirements that learners must do to earn the microcredential. * This will publish on Utah Tech's website. Additional Information for Digital Badges Attribute Type: * Experience Learning Validation Professional Certification This will publish on Utah Tech's website. Credential Level * Foundational Intermediate Advanced This will publish on Utah Tech’s website. Cost * Free Paid This will publish on Utah Tech’s website. Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ