
MAR. 1ST, 2016

University Curriculum Committee Meeting

Mar. 1st, 2015. 3-5 PM. HCC 550
  1. Information Items 
    • FCS Department restructure. Rename to Family Studies & Human Development
    • Discontinue honors courses and remove from prerequisites and GE checklist
  2. Program Action Proposals 
  3. Curriculum Consent Proposals 
  4. Program Consent Proposals


Program Action Proposals
Proposal School Proposed by
BS Bioinformatics SC Erin O’Brien, Chair
Applied Leadership Emphasis in Communication Studies BU Brent Yergensen, Associate Dean
Accounting Minor BU Nate Staheli, Chair
Emergency Medical Services discontinue and transfer to DXATC HO Carole Grady, Dean
Discontinue of Certificate in Surgical Technology HO Carole Grady, Dean


Curriculum Action Proposals

BU = Business & Communications, ED = Education, HO = Health Sciences, HU= Humanities, SC = Science & Technology, FA = Visual & Performing Arts 
A = Add, C = Change, D = Deletion, F = Fee, GE = GE Designation


Business & Communication
# Other School Impacted A, C, D Course Course Title
1 New A ECON 3010 Managerial Economics
2 New A ECON 3020 Intermediate Macroeconomics
3 New A MDIA 4890R Directed Study
4 New A MDIA 4990R Seminar in Media Studies



# Other School Impacted A, C, D Course Course Title
1 New A SSC 1020 Study Skills & College Success


# Other School Impacted A, C, D Course Course Title 
1 New A ESL 2150 TOEFL Preparation


Program Consent Proposals
Curriculum Consent Proposal

(Items do not impact another school, are not a new course, do not have a new course fee, or a new GE designation)