HomeAcademicsUniversity Curriculum CommitteeSelf Supporting Fee Self Supporting Fee Fee Committee - Self Supporting Fee Submitters' Information First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Self Supporting Fee College Department Program * Fee Type * Create Fee Change Fee Remove Fee Fee Details Students affected per semester? * Students affected per academic year? * Do other programs in the discipline charge a supporting fee? * Yes No Fee Comparison Comparison 1 * Comparison 2 * How is the cost covered(ie. Tuition or Institutional funding ect.) * Breakdown of Fees Students in Program * Fee Breakdown * Equipment Costs Site Visit Costs Fee Required for: * Equipment Consumables Licences Other Annual cost * Site visit cost * Site visitor expenses * Consultant expenses * Equipment Fee * Equipment Description * Consumable Fee * Consumable Description * Licences Fee * Licences Description * Other * Other Description * Cost Per Student Any further comments or explanations Are you ready to submit application? * Yes No