Faculty Research Grants

On behalf of the Research Office and Faculty Affairs, we are excited to announce two internal funding opportunities generously expanded by the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs.

  • Faculty Research Grant Program
  • Research Center 

We encourage your consideration to apply. Please carefully review the CFPs and email with any questions you may have.

Faculty Research Grant Program


The FRGP offers support for faculty from all disciplines to develop research, creative, and scholarly projects. Curriculum development and instructional improvement projects are not eligible unless these activities are part of the scholarship of pedagogy and will be submitted for presentation at professional conferences, appropriate artistic venues, or publication.


Funding levels for grants may range from $500 to $7,000 and may include personnel, supplies, equipment, and other research and creative project expenses; funding levels are based on PI and student-participation levels, as well as anticipated outcomes.


This program will be administered through the Research Office. For more information, or if you have questions about the program, please visit or email the RO at Grant proposals will generally be due around September and January of each year. Please see below for the next upcoming deadline. For the 2023-2024 academic year, we anticipate funding approximately 5-10 awards.

All documents for your proposal must be submitted to the RO by email ( no later than December 1, 2023. (Note: Spring 2024 deadline is anticipated to be approximately March 1, 2024).

Faculty Research Grant Application Form


Please find the Call For Proposals and templates below:


For recently completed projects/grants, please fill out the close-out report using the template below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply for Faculty Grants?

Currently, the Faculty Grants program is available to full-time, tenure-track or professional-track faculty.

What are the allowances and limitations of using the funds?

Funds can be used for stipends (faculty, staff, students), materials and supplies, and other expenses directly related to the cost of implementing your proposed project.

Travel to locations to collect data, secure materials, meet with participants, is allowed in this program. Travel to present your work at conferences is not included in this program – please see Faculty Professional Development.

Capital equipment (items that are include in UT Inventory processes, and greater than $3000) is allowed if the authors demonstrate that funding to cover the expense above and beyond this program funding is already in place. Note that capital equipment does become controlled property of UT.

All stipends are taxed and the additional amount for taxes and indirect costs must still be within the total $3000 maximum request.

Is student engagement required?

While it is not required to pay students a stipend for participation in this project, the current version of this program does require that there are outcomes directly impacting students through engagement and participation in your proposed project. Student “engagement” with students being directly involved in the research and creative process is likely to receive higher scoring than proposals that simply provide or outsource tasks to students.


Is IRB (institutional research board) or IACUC (institutional animal care and use committee) approval required?

For projects that involve human or animal subjects, IRB or IACUC approval is required, as appropriate, prior to receiving funding and implementing the proposed work. IRB is required for projects that include surveying or interviewing subjects or participants on or off the UT campus. IACUC approval is required for projects that involve the study, survey, or interviewing of non-human vertebrate animals.

Approval from either committee is not required prior to proposal submission, but is required prior to disbursement of funds.

What support/resources are available to faculty in the proposal writing process?

The Research Office can provide input, feedback, and connect you with resources as needed. The Office will not be able to fully review your proposal prior to submission, but we are happy to discuss with potential PIs their ideas and proposal drafts prior to submission.

The Office of Sponsored Programs can provide input on the proposal and budget preparation, including details about the technical and required components of the proposal and associated documents.

There is also limited availability of technical writing graduate students that may be able to help PIs in the writing and structure of the proposal. Please note that the students will help in the preparation of the proposal, and not necessarily in the idea generation, innovation, or intellectual merit/broader impact details.


Research office


Phone: 435-879-4488

Office: HCC 488