Utah Tech University

New Courses &
Course Changes


  • New Courses
  • Changes to Existing Course: Title, Description, Credit Hours, Repeatable for Credit, Rotation
  • Fee: Add, Change, Remove
  • General Education Status

New Courses and Course Changes


<New Course Workflow. Faculty proposes a new course in CIM* if the course includes a fee, the fee must be approved by the fee committee. The Department Chair approves new Course for review at CCC. Present at CCC. Dean Approves. University Curriculum Council. UCC approves. Academic Council. Academic Council is informed of new course. If a fee is attached Academic Council approves the fee. Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees approves any fees. Fee Committee. Faculty proposes ne fee with the fee proposal form. Submit for committee review. Faculty ensures that the fee and justification are in CIM. Fee committee approves the fee and Informs Curriculum Manager.

Note: If a new course is part of a new or restructured program, submit the course(s) and program proposal(s) at the same time. (Program Change Instructions)

  1. The course proposal originator (Faculty or Department Chair (DC)) submits new course proposal using the Course Inventory Management (CIM) tool to the department queue. (See below for Fees and GE status)
  2. DC reviews proposal and if the DC agrees, submits proposal to the CIM college queue.
  3. College Admin (CA) adds to the College Curriculum Committee (CCC) agenda.
  4. If approved at the CCC, the CA submits proposal to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Secretary two weeks before the UCC meeting.  If the new course includes a fee, the fee must be approved by the Fee Committee before it can be added to the UCC agenda. (See below)
  5. If approved at the UCC, the UCC Secretary submits proposal to the Academic Council (AC) Secretary to be included on the AC agenda.
  6. If approved at AC, the Banner Administrator adds course to Banner which syncs (typically 2-4 weeks after AC approval).




<<Course Change Workflow

  1. The course change originator (Faculty or Department Chair (DC)) submits changes using the Course Inventory Management (CIM) tool to the department queue. (See below for Fees and GE status)2.
  2. DC reviews proposal and if the DC agrees, submits the course change proposal to the CIM college queue.
  3. College Admin (CA) adds to the College Curriculum Committee (CCC) agenda.
  4. If approved at the CCC, the CA submits proposal to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Secretary two weeks before the UCC meeting.  If the course includes a new fee or fee change, the fee must be approved by the Fee Committee before it can be added to the UCC agenda. (See below)
  5. If approved at the UCC, the UCC Secretary submits proposal to the Academic Council (AC) Secretary to be included on the AC agenda.
  6. If approved at AC, the Banner Administrator adds course to Banner which syncs (typically 2-4 weeks after AC approval).



Course Fee

Proposal Steps:

  1. The course proposal originator (Faculty or Department Chair (DC)) submits proposal using the Course Inventory Management (CIM) tool to the department queue and must submit Course Fee Application to the Fee Committee (CFC).
  2. DC reviews proposal and if the DC agrees, submits proposal to the CIM college queue.
  3. College Admin (CA) adds to the College Curriculum Committee (CCC) agenda.
  4. CFC reviews proposal and if the CFC agrees, submits proposal to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Secretary two weeks before the UCC meeting.
  5. If approved at the UCC, the UCC Secretary submits proposal to the Academic Council (AC) Secretary to be included on the AC agenda.
  6. If approved at AC, the Curriculum Office submits the fees to the Board of Trustees (BOT) Agenda.
  7. If approved by the BOT, the Curriculum Office makes course fee change to Banner (typically 2-4 weeks after BOT approval).

General Education Status

Proposal Steps:

  1. The course proposal originator (Faculty or Department Chair (DC)) submits proposal to the College Curriculum Committee (CCC) agenda.
  2. If approved at the CCC the course proposal originator submits proposal to the GE Committee (GEC).
  3. If approved at the GEC the GEC Secretary submits proposal to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Secretary two weeks before the UCC meeting.
  4. If approved at the UCC, the UCC Secretary submits proposal to the Academic Council (AC) Secretary to be included on the AC agenda.
  5. If approved at AC, the Catalog Administrator & Banner Administrator queue the GE proposal until the next catalog year and then make the change.
  6. DC verifies the approved GE proposal is reflected in catalog.