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Academic Reporting

UT engages in three types of reporting to demonstrate accountability to our own institution. The Office of Curriculum oversees the reporting process.

Annual Reports

Due in June of each year.  This report builds progress toward the 7 Year Review report, and also keeps you informed of institutional mission fulfillment and progress.

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7 Year Reports

Self-study report due in February every 7 years, starting in 2020.  We report to our accrediting body (NWCCU) and the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).

Report Resources

3 Year Program
Review Reports

One-time only for new programs.  Due in Dec. after 3rd year anniversary.  Present an overview of what is working, what is not, and what is being done to address deficiencies in our UT programs.

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About Academic Reporting

UT engages in three types of reporting to demonstrate accountability to our own institution. The Office of Curriculum oversees the reporting process with support from the Office of Assessment.

The reporting processes and required elements are intentionally designed to harmonize the requirements from both USHE and NWCCU in order to streamline the process for report writers and eliminate the necessity to generate separate reports for each entity.


Chris Guymon

Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Operations

Email: chris.guymon@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4859

Office: North Admin 124

Samira Hall

Manager Curriculum and Graduate Studies Operations

Email: samira.hall@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7506

Office: North Admin 128