Utah Tech University

Obtain Sub-recipient Documentation

A subcontract issued when the Utah Tech University is the prime recipient is an agreement with another institution (“sub-recipient”) to provide part of the research required in an original contract or grant.

If you have a subcontractor where UT is the prime, you should allocate more time than usual for internal proposal review as the sub-recipient will have to move their proposal through their organization’s internal process and then get it to you to include in your proposal in time to meet the UT’s time constraints.

Please note the following, depending upon your situation:

When you are proposing to be the prime recipient of a contract or grant and UT is the primary (home) institution, your sub-recipient(s) must send the following to you for your proposal:

  • A Sub-recipient Commitment Form
  • A budget that meets the sponsor’s requirements (e.g., an itemized budget (direct and indirect costs), NIH modular budget, etc.)
  • Certification that any necessary review process is complete or pending (human or animal subjects, recombinant DNA or pathogens)

As PI you must then submit the full proposal (including the items above from the sub-recipient institution) to OSP for internal review as you would for any other proposal.