Note: A course proposal must be approved by the three governing bodies in sequence below. A program proposal must be approved by seven governing bodies (see Program Approval Tracker). Before submitting to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) you must have approval from your Dean and College Curriculum Committee (CCC). Course or program approvals with fee additions or changes must also submit to the Fee Committee.
- College Curriculum Committee (CCC) (varies by CCC)
- University Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Graduate Council (GC). Deadline for submission of materials to the UCC/GC and the Fee Committee is 2 weeks prior to the UCC/GC meeting date below.)
- Academic Council (AC)
- University Council (UC)
- Utah System of Higher Education (USHE)
- Utah Tech University Board of Trustees (BoT)
- Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)